A grant from the Ending the Violence Association of BC (EVA) and administered through the Skidegate Health Centre allowed us to develop and deliver three trauma healing retreats at the Haida House in Tllaal. These retreats were for indigenous survivors of sexual assault, and were a combination of ceremony, learning, and creating. They were wildly successful, showing a dramatic drop on PTSD symptoms over the course of the retreat, and well into the future. With generous funding from the Skidegate Band Council and The Old Massett Village Council, we were able to run a fourth retreat in May 2024.

If you or your organization might be interested in booking a similar retreat, please contact us!

I LOVED this retreat. I personally, would wish for a longer retreat. However I learned valuable skills for my wellness I will practice to implement in my life. The leaders in this group are absolutely amazing and very connected people. I hope to be able to go on more retreats in the future.
— Participant May 2024
The Haida House is beautiful and it holds a special place in my heart. I’ve never had the chance to experience it in this way and I am beyond grateful. Haaw’a so, so much.
— Participant May 2024
[I liked] The comfort and the safety in knowing that we can share as much or as little that we needed to. I liked the atmosphere was very caring and understanding. I liked that the was no judgement and that we were ok to be ourselves. I liked that we have hand outs and booklets that we can keep for reference.
— Participant
I have learned balance is dancing with vulnerability, my triggers are a reflection of my body reacting faster than my brain. Taking care of myself and implementing the healthy coping mechanisms and calming my nervous system will further my healing.
— Participant
[One thing I have learned is a] better understanding on how real energy transfer is and how it can transfer to you willing or unwilling and it can be a simple shake (body shake) to release that.
— Participant
[I liked] Sharing, feeling safe, being encouraged and validated in emotions, not worrying about what our art looks like. Supporting one another. Spending time in nature.
— Participant

Pricing: $30k to $45K for 8-10 participants